rat & mice control in Riyadh

rat & mice control in Riyadh


hi we are rat & mice control in Riyadh

Prevention and Control

1. Use traps and repellents to keep rodents away.

2. Seal any holes or cracks in your home or storage building with steel wool or caulk to block rodents from entering.

3. Store food in sealed containers, and set or fix garbage cans

Check your home’s exterior for holes or gaps the size of a quarter or larger.

Install metal weather stripping under doors to remove gaps between the door and the floor.

Eliminate all food sources from your yard, including bird feeders, beehives, and compost piles. If you have pet birds, clean their droppings from the yard. Animal feces and bird droppings can carry the disease.

Always keep garbage cans covered

Pick fruit and nuts as they ripen. When fruit is ripe, it should be easily crushed. When fruit is not ripe enough, it should be left on the ground.

Do not feed birds and clean up any fallen bird seed around feeders.

3. Get rid of rat habitat.

Remove all trash and debris

Stack woodpiles 18 inches high and at least 12 inches away from fences and walls. Avoid stacking pallets, as they are at risk of catching on fire.

Trim trees and bushes to within 4 feet of the roof. Make sure to maintain at least 4 feet of clearance from electrical and plumbing systems.

Remove heavy vegetation such as ivy bougainvillea or pyracantha from buildings and fences. Heavy vegetation such as ivy can cause damage if there is a lot of rain. It is best removed manually or with an electric saw.

Remove thick vegetation to allow sunlight in and expose rat hiding places.

4. Inside your house, use traps, not poison bait.

Use snap traps indoors since poisoned rats may die inside walls or attics creating odors and attracting flies.

Place traps at entry points or where you have seen rat droppings.

Be careful when trapping around children or pets.

The traps should be baited with peanut butter or the food the rats have been eating.

Traps should be tied down near the traps to prevent injured rats from dragging the traps away and dying inside your walls.

Check traps at least twice a week

5. Outside your home, use traps and poison bait (if necessary).

Place traps in places where rodent activity has been observed.

Keep bait away from children and pets

Rodent-proof your home BEFORE using poison bait. Poison bait is more likely to attract rats and mice than insects.

Rat poisons are most effective when administered as multiple doses. Rats may eat several doses over a number of days.

Place bait in an area that is out of reach of predators, such as under woodpiles or thick vegetation where rats may be hiding.

Check each bait station twice a week, and add bait if necessary.

Place the dead rats in sealed plastic bags and throw them in the trash.

Rat Inspections

 The Vector Control Program provides free rodent inspections to County residents. The inspections include a free Rat Control Starter Kit. The kit enables you to control rats yourself and provides the tools to do it. Examples of materials needed: White glue Mod Podge Mod Podge or acrylic craft varnish scissors a brush paint brushes poster paints acrylic paints

A sturdy, food-safe, lidded container, such as a plastic tub with a tight-fitting lid, a tight-fitting metal bucket, or other food-grade containers.

Rat Control Brochure

1 Rat Snap Trap

1/4-inch sample hardware cloth (used for exclusion)

To request a rat inspection, contact the Vector Control Program.

Rat control starter kit




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